Hey.. ! I am Tamal, I am curious to learn web development and want to built advance web applications.My believes are anything you do, if its not usefull, then its not worth doing.My goals are to learn Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and their application.I read a book a week and love to connect with like minded people.
Backgroud image Description-(The large elliptical galaxy NGC 1132 likely formed from a group of galaxies that merged together. The galaxy is dubbed a "fossil group" because it contains enormous concentrations of dark matter, comparable to the dark matter found in an entire group of galaxies.
On September 25 in 2005 by Hubble)
Image Source:-
What Did Hubble See on Your Birthday?
Layout- Row/Column/Grid/Flex/Media Query/Responsive
Var-types/DOM Selection/DOM Manipulation/Events
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write me on my email: tamal.sen@hotmail.com